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Single Deck Blackjack Strategy Charts

Single-deck blackjack is the most advantageous deck configuration for you as a player, providing you use basic strategy correctly.

The charts below will help you gain the optimal RTP and play with the lowest possible house edge.

Single deck blackjack strategy allows you to be more aggressive than multi-deck games such as the 6-deck strategy I shared previously. You will be able to double down more often and take more of an advantage of weak dealer hands, knowing there are only a limited amount of cards left in the deck.

To use the chart, find the row that corresponds to your hand and the column that corresponds to the dealer’s upcard. The table cell at the intersection of these two lines shows you your best play in this scenario. For example, if you have a hand of 9 and the dealer has a face-up card of 5, your best play is to Hit.

Single Deck Blackjack Strategy Charts – Dealer Stands All 17

single deck blackjack strategy - hard hands


Single deck blackjack strategy - soft hands


Single deck blackjack strategy - pairs

House Edge

The house edge when using the strategy charts above is 0.14% when playing online (cards shuffled after every hand) or 0.03% when playing in a casino.

However, you are very unlikely to find any single-deck blackjack games in a brick-and-mortar casino, unless you are able to arrange a private table. Most casinos use between 6 and 8 decks. So unless you are a VIP or a high roller, to play with just a single deck you will normally need to find an online casino that offers mobile blackjack for real money.

The house edge calculations make the following assumptions:

  • Blackjack pays 3/2
  • Dealer hits to 16 and stands on all 17
  • Player can double any two cards
  • Player can double after split

These rules are most advantageous to the player.

Where to Play Single Deck Blackjack Online

Because this is such a player-friendly ruleset, not all online casinos offer single-deck blackjack, and of those that do, not all are reputable.

Don’t worry though, there are still a few sites that tick both those boxes. Just head over to our guide to single deck blackjack casinos and you’ll get the most up-to-date list of safe, legit places to play this game on your laptop, tablet or mobile.

Last Updated on October 14, 2022

David Graham
Posted in Strategy

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